Great question, Fellow Explorer!
We've been meaning to let you in on this for a while now. 
But as the saying goes, “One thing at a time…” - :)

Joopiter’s Sun. How did the name come about? (This might be a little long winded knowing me. Brace yourself!) 

Matt and I - We both have creative minds. Whether it’s in the form of words, ideas or visuals - We enjoy bouncing our thoughts off each other. “How about this? What do you think of that? Hey… I’ve thought of this…!” We both knew that we wanted to start a small business. Something that held meaning. Something that represented who we are as a couple, as well as something that represented us equally as individuals. Hm - that’s a fair bit to take into consideration. Ha! 

*Photo #1 & Photo #2 - Grampians, Victoria in 2023

What I do want to acknowledge before you read on - Is that - Matt is the brains and the determination behind this project. He is the soul behind Joopiter’s Sun. The hours that he has put in, to bring Joopiter’s Sun to life has been nothing short of inspiring to witness. Yes, yes - I know - I’m his life partner, and you might think - “Of course she would say that!” - Truthfully and seriously. I am his biggest fan, and I am proud beyond words to see him start and execute this vision from scratch. 

*Photo #1: Zakynthos, Greece, 2023 - Photo #2: Cathedral Ranges, Victoria, 2023

(Joopiter’s Sun was created whilst we were working our full time jobs. Every spare minute of the day, outside of his regular working hours - Matt was glued to his laptop, leaving no detail unturned. Matt is the creative mind behind the Joopiter’s Sun illustrations - Designing each print himself. Our store? It was also set up by Matt. Research, patience, trial and error, doing and re-doing until it felt just right).

*Photo #1: Asos, Kefalonia, Greece, 2023 - Photo #2: Rome, Italy, 2023

I like to call myself “Co-Creator” - I will be his soundboard when in need, and I will provide insights and constructive feedback. (I also write this blog and take ownership of our social page. Eek - The pressure! - If you DM us - You’ll 99.9% hear back from me. Come say hey!) 

Coming up with the concept of Joopiter’s Sun didn’t happen overnight. Ideas would flow in at any time of the day, over a span of months. Concepts and themes were researched again, and again, and again. We were certain our new venture would revolve around travel, adventure and nature. Here’s a little fun fact for you! (But sh, don’t go telling everyone!) Our first date was in fact a hike. It was at the very marvellous and spiritual You Yangs in Victoria. Both having a love for travel, adventure and nature - We knew this path would fit us nicely! 

  • How can we do what we enjoy, and share it with others? 
  • How can we do what we love, and also do it mindfully? 
  • How can we do what makes us feel alive, and also give back to nature? 

Considering we had a fair amount of travels, adventures and hikes under our belts (both together and separately), we thought it to be genuinely fitting to explore this avenue. To create product for the sake of creating - Well… That wasn’t going to cut it. 

If we were going to use our creativity in this way, there were at least two key components to this project. 

  1. Sustainability had to be a focal point and
  2. Our aim would be to inspire others to get outdoors, to be active and to explore and appreciate nature mindfully 

Have I veered off topic? Sort of. Let’s add to the distraction. Here’s a few photos! 

*Photo #1: Teddy's Lookout, GOR, Victoria, 2023 - Photo #2: Point Cook Track, Lake Eildon National Park, Victoria, 2022

So - We noted down so many names, phrases, themes, topics. Anything that we felt inspired by, and anything that resonated with us. We even used half of words, and blended them together with other words to make up an entirely different word. We had so much fun with this, but it also tested our patience. If a word didn’t stick, we put out pens and paper down, and decided to step away from it. Fresh minds, fresh eyes - It works a treat! This went on for months, with Matt designing in the background. 

What we did know was this: Our first collection would be based on the Tarot. How did this come about? (Wow, I’ve really taken you on a journey haven’t I?!) You’ll notice that the “Pick Your Card Collection” is in the form of a tarot card with our own outdoor, adventurous spin. This is where I came in to play. I read Tarot, and at the time, I was also studying Astrology. As I was learning to read Birth Natal Charts, one chart that I explored was mine and Matt’s Composite Chart. The Composite Chart illustrates the flavour of the relationship. Matt and I’s flavour is that of a Sagittarius Rising. 

*Sagittarius Risings - “Always seeking to expand their horizons. These fiery folks are known for their open mindedness, love of travel, and innate curiosity that drives them to seek new cultures, beliefs and experiences.” (In a brief nutshell!) 

*Photo #1: Island Hopping, Greece, 2023 - Photo #2: Cape Schanck, Mornington Penisula, Victoria, 2022

Although we knew it deep down - This really helped cement the fact that travel, adventure, exploration and nature had to be on the cards for us for this new venture. This was the little nudge we needed. I mustn’t forget - Our friends and family on an often basis would comment on our travels, and our hikes, wanting to know more. I must also note that your Rising Sign, or Ascendant, as it is also called - Is your “book cover” - It is how the world sees you, your physical body and your identity and experiences in this lifetime. Considering Matt and I are two fire signs - Saggie Rising was oh-so-fitting! 

Having all this in mind. 

We then connected a few more dots (One of my favourite pass times).

*Now, for those not fluent in “Astro-Talk” - Bear with me. I’ll keep this nice and simple. 

  • Matt’s Sun Sign is Leo
  • My Sun Sign is Sagittarius
  • Matt’s Sun Sign (Leo) is ruled by the Sun
  • My Sun Sign (Sagittarius) is ruled by Jupiter
  • Jupiter is the Roman God of all Gods, also known as Zeus, in Greek Mythology (Matt’s heritage is Italian, and mine is Greek)
  • We blended our two Sun Sign rulers - Jupiter + Sun to create = Joopiter’s Sun
  • Creating a point of difference with the spelling of Jupiter, as you can see and also…
  • Zeus has a son. You all know Hercules? Well, to include mythology and philosophy of all kinds - Joopiter’s Sun is nod to that topic except…
  • Instead of Joopiter’s Son - We reverted back to Matt’s Sun Sign ruler = The Sun

Ah, and that’s how Joopiter’s Sun was born! 

Oh, and let me not forget. Considering our relationship flavour is that of a Saggie Rising, we are both ruled by Jupiter as an item! There’s another dot to connect! 

*I want to also add that Jupiter doesn’t have it’s own Sun, (This also creates a point of intrigue, because well, it doesn’t have it’s own sun!) But it does have 95 moons! I know - Wild. 

  • Being two souls who appreciate the universe in all of it’s grandness
  • Being two souls who dabble in the spiritual way of life
  • Being two souls who love the meaning behind all things

We hope that your further understanding behind the name of Joopiter’s Sun, gives you a better look into the minds and people behind the brand.

Bonus Material

  • Jupiter’s Characteristics - Wise, optimistic, generous, philosophical, strong sense of justice, benevolent, fruitful, jovial, abundant
  • The Sun’s Characteristics - Spirited, creative, full hearted, bright, enthusiastic, courage, positivity

Until the next travel tale - Be well, be safe, be curious and explore mindfully.

We thank you for being here. 
One half of Joopiter's Sun,

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