Well hello there and welcome to our first travel tale! 

Did we ever think that we would be writing a travel blog? No way!
Did we have thoughts and dreams of starting our own business with the potential to share our travels with a like minded community? For sure! 

Joopiter's Sun is new to the world, but the concept and ethos behind the brand is not. The team behind the creation of Joopiter's Sun, (Hi, that's me, Vicki, and my wonderful fiancé, Matt - Lovely to meet you kind reader!) - Well, it's been a part of our lives as individuals, and as a duo, for as long as we can remember. So many memories have already been made and so many magical places have been visited, that we thought - It would only be fair to share!

After all, adventure is contagious!
Well, at least we think so!

You'll come to realise that out of the two of us - I'm the one that gets very distracted! I will make it my mission to stay on track.
Now, where was I?

Ah yes! Our most recent adventure!


We had a long weekend here in Australia, meaning that Friday was a public holiday. "Where to next? - Let's make the most of the long weekend!"

As long as I've known Matt, all of 1 month... Only joking! We've known each other for much longer than that - 2 months and 5 days to be exact...

Gotcha. That's also a joke, ha! I digress.

Ever since I've know Matt, he has always favourited hikes that he aims to complete. (You'll also come to know that we are both naturally organised, structured and planned individuals with a sprinkle of spontaneity! There’s got to be some spontaneity, true? This getaway is proof that we can be spontaneous - You’ll come to see why…)

Anyhow, Matt certainly takes the prize for taking it that extra mile!
Attention to detail, on point.

So, it was as "easy" as that!

We decided on attempting Mount Feathertop (one of the favourited hikes on the to-tackle-list), and because of this, our location of choice was, none other than - Mount Hotham! 

We’ve recently discovered Hipcamp, and loving it. Mind blown. That is actually an understatement. Where has Hipcamp been all our life?

This is our fourth time booking our stay with Hipcamp, and it won’t be our last!
> You can explore Hipcamp’s site here: 

We are both early birds generally, (Matt takes the prize again! He does a great job at being my alarm clock!) - Celery juice for two upon waking, followed by our morning coffee. Matt had already packed the night before, (See! Always one step ahead, ha!). Being half packed myself, it didn’t take me long to gather what else I needed - After all, we were only away for one night. 


One hour ahead of schedule and we were eager to get going! 
Melbourne to Hotham = 4 hours and 29 minutes (374.8km)

Stop #1: Fuel up!

  • Quick stop for fuel and the purchase of a few snacks in prep for our hike

 Stop #2: Mount Buffalo Lookout 

  • The drive up is stunningly picturesque and the views found at the top are breathtakingly beautiful
  • The carpark was almost full and the coffee truck seemed to have plenty of customers, with many people out and about!
  • There are many walks to be found on the way to the top, as well as at the top
    (Very tempting, but we did have an allocated timeframe to check in to our eco-friendly village so stopping for lunch was a must!)
Mount Buffalo Lookout
Mount Buffalo Lookout
Mount Buffalo Lookout
Mount Buffalo Lookout Platform

Stop #3: Lunch at Burgerville Bright 

  • Knowing that our check-in window was from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, our lunch stop was short and sweet
  • Burgers and chips from Burgerville Bright totally hit the spot!
> Gluten Free and Vegan options available:

    You might be wondering by this point… Where are we staying? 
    Our tree tent, (yes our tree tent!), awaits us at The Alpine Nature Experience.

    > Instagram:

    So, you know how I mentioned that check in was between 4:00pm to 5:30pm? 
    Well, our very usually planned selves got that one wrong! Check in was not actually between, but rather, either 4:00pm or 5:30pm. Our host JF kept in contact and was very accommodating. 

    Note: The drive to Hotham is unbelievably beautiful. Epically beautiful. 

    We met our host JF in the carpark as instructed. It would be a short walk to the eco-village. Knowing this, we tried to pack light. JF was very informative, relaxed and friendly. We were excited to take the stroll to where we would stay - Not really knowing what to expect! 

    Brilliant blue skies, few clouds and greenery surrounded us as we walked and chatted. We reached the eco-village - How absolutely beautiful - Really - What a set up! 

    JF made us feel very welcome, showed us around and took us to our tree tent. One look at it and we thought, “Cannot wait to wake up here!” 

    Tall trees with pinstripe print
    Tree trent
    Tall grass, blue skies and trees surrounding us
    Wooden sign with cities pointing in different directions

    There are x2 tree tents, tucked away with surrounding trees, and x3 domes. The domes look like a cross between an igloo and a disco ball. Watching the sun set against these domes in nature creates a magical juxtaposition that needs to be witnessed and experienced. One of the couples we met asked if we wanted to have a look inside the dome they were staying in - So cosy, and fairytale like! Being able to see the stars through the clear roof would make for quite the experience! 

    The rest of our afternoon consisted of: 

    • Sitting amongst the trees, enjoying the sound of nature and the rustling of the leaves
    • A walk around the eco-friendly village (Oh! There’s a hot tub too! Which you can book as an option with your stay)
    • Testing out our tree tent - Surprisingly easy to get in to! (Even if you’re a little on the shorter side like me!)
    • Met the friendly couples staying and had enjoyable chats
    • The communal teepee has snacks, drinks, games, tables and chairs and warmth on offer! (It was quite chilly!) 
    • JF cooked up a delightful dinner for us which we ordered with our booking (More friendly chats with another couple!) 
    • Desert served by the fire under the stars

    Safe to say we had a very relaxing night and the energy of the village, JF and the guests added to the peaceful ambiance. 

    Worm composting toilet in wooden cabin with colourful lights

    Can I just say… Two things. 

    1. THE FULL MOON! - We woke at 2:36am, to be precise - because - *Nature calls!* and the moon was absolutely glorious! The domes reflecting against the luminous moon paired with the fairy lights and the stars that sparkled… It was really a special sight! 
    2. I like to call it the “party-loo” - Yes, the party loo! Cute little wooden cabin, worm composting toilet (which is a win!) - We’ve never experienced a worm composting toilet - Better for the environment, and yep, no smell! The colourful lights in the toilet made for a fun experience - Well, I certainly thought so! Ha! 


    It was a chilly night but we were very cosy - Plenty of layers in the tent to keep us warm. Matt (Mr. Early Bird), was awake first - He took this opportunity to take a few drone shots.

    > Incredible views! - Check out the footage on our Instagram page: Joopiter’s Sun:

    As I woke, Matt took the fly off the tent and wow - Waking up and seeing the trees overhead is well and truly a way that I’d love to wake up every day.

    Matt with his face peeking through the tent
    Morning light through the trees

    We were definitely excited for breakfast! JF cooked up an egg and bacon roll for us (Included in our booking) and a much desired cup of coffee - Perfecto! We knew that it would be best to head off as soon as we could to, A. Get parking near the entrance of our hike, and B. Miss the heat and/or the crowds. 

    We were packed, by 7:30am - Making sure to not leave anything behind, only footprints! With full and satisfied bellies, we thanked JF, said our goodbyes, and off we headed back to our car. 

    What did we have ahead of us? 
    A 22KM RETURN HIKE - Mount Feathertop, here we come!
    (The second highest mountain in Victoria. Yes. You read that right!)

    How did we go?
    Keep an eye out for our next Travel Tale where we share our hike to Mount Feathertop! We can’t wait to share our experience with you! 

    Until next time, explore mindfully. 

    We thank you for being here. 
    One half of Joopiter's Sun,

    Ps. Putting it out there - This is not a paid add - We are merely wanting to spread the love and show our appreciation for places we are grateful to have come by on our travels! Take care fellow explorers! 

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